Thursday, July 2, 2009

Week In Words.....June 30- July 1

It's my first blog!!I like using this blog as my diary :D It's our second week of school and a lot of funny (and boring) things have happened....Hmmm.....memorable stuff.....ah....we learned in Science class that "Flying fish have wings" according to our classmate Edward.=D Then Tuesday I think...our teacher (science again...:)) Ms. Tan told us another "fact" a student blurted....a swan is a "white duck", a penguin is a "black duck" and a "flamingo" is a pink duck..weird isn't it?? Oh yeah then we also learned a frog is a mammal!! I wonder who came up with that one?

Chinese time also happens to be fun in our class, we played a game using chopsticks and you get plus oints if you win..:)) Then Tuesday....yeah I think it was Tuesday...our teacher brought a REAL spider! Two of our classmates, Paolo and Edward were asked to hold the spiders and engage them in the fight...whose spider wins get thirty points while the loser gets twenty...Edward's spider won... lol...

Oh news! MJ dies at age 50 now that was a surprise....Farrah Fawcett also passes away.....she suffered....what was that......Cancer in the butt I think....So RIP to both....then there's Karl Malden....died of natural causes....according to my parents he was a great actor...RIP Karl! Then the good news! Rob D. looses twitter bet with Peter Facinelli!!! Oh the joy..and he gets to dance in a bikini to Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies" down Hollywood Boulevard! Warning: You may be scarred for life and it may burn your eyes...... Link:

A'ight.....that should be good enough....hoping to write more soon!=)

Music of the Week: The Call- Regina Spektor...